Displaced Voices Preview
Special Issue Editors, Tanya Harmer & Gloria Miqueles
Brigadas Ramona Parra - Documenting Chile Collection, LRA
In this section of the website you can find a preview of the journal Displaced Voices, edited by Paul Dudman, for the Living Refugee Archive at the University of East London. Due to be published in September 2023, this special issue was delayed for circumstances beyond our control. Before the end of 2023, as special issue editors, we felt it was important to publish these pieces online so that they could be read and circulated in the context of the 50th anniversary’s ‘ola de memoria’. Please click on the links below in the contents page to access the articles in this preview of the special issue.
Details and links to the the full special issue of Displaced Voices to come soon.
Our thanks to Paul Dudman for initiating the call for a special issue and to Elaine Bolton for her support in translating many of the articles that follow. We also thank all authors for their patience and contribution to this collective project.
— Special Issue Editors, Gloria Miqueles & Tanya Harmer (Contact: chile50lse@gmail.com / t.harmer@lse.ac.uk)
Tanya Harmer & Gloria Miqueles: Introduction
Part 1: Remembering the coup and the dictatorship in Chile
Part 2: Displaced voices
Cristina Godoy-Navarrete, “Memories of a Medical Technologist Exiled in London”
Hernando Fernandez-Canque, “A Chilean School in Exile, 1979-1986”
Part 3: Archives and memory